What Is RJDBC & How I can Access To Databases From RJDBC

What is RJDBC?

RJDBC is implements DBI in R using JDBC. It permits the utilization of any DBMS within R via its JDBC interface. All you need is Java and a JDBC driver to allow access to the engine for databases used.

Different from RJDBC as compared to ODBC?

ODBC is an SQL-based Application Programming Interface (API) developed by Microsoft to allow Windows programs to connect to databases using SQL. RJDBC is an API based on SQL developed by Sun Microsystems to enable Java applications to make use of SQL to access databases.

RJDBC Example

It allows for the utilization of any DBMS to be accessed in R by using its JDBC interface. All you need is Java and a JDBC driver to allow databases to be used.



drv <- JDBC(“com.mysql.jdbc.Driver”,



conn <- dbConnect(drv, “jdbc:mysql://localhost/test”, “user”, “pwd”)

source Link

RJDBC dbSendUpdate

The function dbSendUpdateAsync can update the database when initiated by the finalizers to avoid extremely specialized issues with concurrency.

The update here cannot be guaranteed to run immediately. In addition, the method is not guaranteed to return instantly.


dbSendUpdate( conn statement, conn …, async=FALSE )

RJDBC Oracle

Creating Java applications that use Oracle Autonomous databases is easy and easy if you are using the cloud or on-premises. Java developers can benefit from the latest features, including Oracle Autonomous Database, performance auto-tuning, high availability and in-memory processing, and pluggable databases to create and build high-performance, reliable, scalable, and scalable applications.

Oracle Database 19c and the 18c JDBC drivers include brand distinct property files (ojdbc. properties) together with a few other features that simplify the connecting with Autonomous Transaction Processing (ATP) as well as Autonomous Data Warehousing (ADW).

RJDBC dbConnect

Description Methods of the class JDBCConnection in the package ‘RJDBC.’ dbSendQuery and dbSendUpdate send SQL queries for the database. The dbGetTables and the dbGetFields are comparable to dbListTables and dbListFields. The difference is that dbSendUpdate can be used with DBML queries and doesn’t deliver any result set. However, the result is the data frame, which includes all the available information (they return an enumeration vector of characters from those names).

Rjdbc Write Table

write.table prints the required argument x (after changing it into data frames when it’s not one of the matrices) to an associated file or connection.


write.table(x file is “”, append = FALSE, quote = TRUE, sep = ” “,

eol = “\n”, na = “NA”, dec = “. “, row.names = TRUE,

col.names = TRUE, qmethod = c(“escape”, “double”),

“” fileEncoding= “”)

write.csv (…)

write.csv2 (…)

Rjdbc Github

The R interface for databases by using JDBC. Contribute to the s-or RJDBC improvement by registering accounts on GitHub.

RJDBC DbWriteTable

Writes, overwrites, or applies the data frame of an existing table in the database, with the option of making row names columns and specifying SQL fields’ data types. New code should be using the dbCreateTable() as well as the dbAppendTable().

Methods found in other programs.

RSQLite::dbWriteTable(“SQLiteConnection”, “character”, “character”)

RSQLite::dbWriteTable(“SQLiteConnection”, “character”, “data.frame”)

dbWriteTable(conn name value …)

R JDBC driver

The other is to start it with the Java VM and load a Java JDBC driver. (not to be misunderstood with the JDBCDriverR object, which is an actual DBI driver).

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